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Canvasser is an obscure name. Instead of suggesting a better name, I will suggest some other obscure names. How about Newport? The city of Newport, R.I. is known for its beautiful mansions, which are buildings, and like Camel, it is a cigarette brand. How about Stationary Traveler? Buildings are normally stationary, while camels normally travel. Also, this is the title of an album by the progressive rock group Camel. How about Notre Dame? Camels have backs similar to the Hunchback of Notre Dame's, and Notre Dame was a building. How about Winnebago? Like a Camel, it is used for transportation, and like a building, you can live inside it. In general, names should be less obscure than Canvasser or any of my obscure suggestions, and any name used for a piece should work within the context of the game it is used in. The name of Canvasser doesn't seem to work well in a context that includes the usual Chess pieces with their usual names.
Yes it's an interesting piece the 'rook camel'. As i just mentioned on the page for 'Lùotuoqí' (Camel Chess), here ..
.. it doesn't appear that is actually a rook camel, but with David's comment 'Back in February 2000, S. Sirotkin sent a 7x7 chess variant, called 'Herd', where Pawns promote to Rook-Knight, Rook-Camel, or Rook-Bison.' which is here that is right, we have a rook camel, one that is promoted from a pawn.
Charles has given a name for it though, good work.
Can Canvasser be Agitator?! In my notation, he is it. Noted as Ç
The name "Canvasser" seems to have stuck by now.
However, if it was me, I'd go with Hakim (the Arabic word for "governor"), or perhaps Medir ("administrator").
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