Greg Strong wrote on Fri, Feb 25, 2005 01:19 AM UTC:
Elephant (shogi Silver General):
Average Mobility: 3.94
Average Safe Checks: 0.00
Average Directions Attacked: 3.94
Average Squares Attacked: 3.94
Great Elephant:
Average Mobility: 6.94
Average Safe Checks: 3.00
Average Directions Attacked: 6.94
Average Squares Attacked: 6.94
War Elephant:
Average Mobility: 11.17
Average Safe Checks: 14.00
Average Directions Attacked: 5.75
Average Squares Attacked: 17.50
Average Mobility: 11.06
Average Safe Checks: 13.34
Average Directions Attacked: 5.03
Average Squares Attacked: 18.38
Sorry I can't generate numbers for the Tiger; there are still many pieces
that ChessV can't yet support (in this case the Slip-riders, but in
general, any piece which changes direction during a move, like the Mao,
cannot yet be implemented.)