There is an inconsistency between David's animated illustration for the
Chameleon and Peter's Zillions file.
Is a Chameleon allowed to capture a Long-Leaper and/or a Withdrawer and/or
an Advancer and swap with an enemy Swapper in the same move, as shown on
the animated illustration but not allowed by the zrf?
Besides, is a Chameleon allowed to swap with its own Swapper?
(The zrf allows it, though it is not formally equivalent to the Swapper
swapping with its own Chameleon, since the Swapper may be immobilized.
For the record, a similar rule would be unplayable for a variant with
Chameleons and Shields. The Chameleon and Shield would protect each other,
and the Shield would protect the King.)
If the answer to both questions is yes, is a Chameleon allowed to capture
a Long-Leaper and/or a Withdrawer and/or an Advancer and swap with a
friendly Swapper in the same move?