Moussambani wrote on Thu, Jul 29, 2004 11:31 PM UTC:
I don't know if those values are right, but I like how they give nice
N+P = B
N+P = L
B = L
N+N = R
N+R = C
B+R = U
L+R = U
C+P = U
N+C = Q
R+R = Q
N+N+R = Q
And also...
N+B = R+P
N+L = R+P
N+B+B = U+P
N+B+L = U+P
N+L+L = U+P
R+C = N+Q
N+B+R = Q+P
N+L+R = Q+P etc
As well as these close calls
N = P+P+0.5
R = B+P+0.5
R = L+P+0.5
C = N+B+P+0.5
C = N+L+P+0.5
Q = N+B+B+0.5
Q = N+B+L+0.5
Q = N+L+L+0.5
B+B+L = Q+0.5
B+L+L = Q+0.5
A game with that many trade options sure looks interesting!