💡📝Uri Bruck wrote on Sat, Jul 17, 2004 05:22 PM UTC:
I discovered an omission in my description of the non-capturing leaping
move for the Wazir and Ferz. It was my intent that they should only be
able to leap over a friendly adjacent Ferz or Wazir. Thus, the paragraph
describing this move should read:
The additional non-capturing move is the same for both pieces: A
LeapingFerz or a LeapingWazir, may leap over an orthogonally adjacent
friendly LeapingWazir to the next square, provided it's unoccupied. A
LeapingFerz or a LeapingWazir may leap over a diagonally adjacent friendly
LeapingFerz to the next square, provided it's empty.
The Zillions implementation plays this move correctly