Peter Hatch wrote on Tue, May 28, 2002 07:43 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
Here's a (hopefully complete) list of armies:
Fabulous FIDEs
Colorbound Clobberers
Colorbound Clobberers II (alternate setup)
Remarkable Rookies
Nutty Knights
Forward FIDEs
Meticulous Mashers
All-Around Allstars
Amazon Army
Amazon Army II (Crabs replace Knights, Amazon replaces Queen)
Avian Air Force
Spacious Cannoneers
Amontillado (7 different knights, 2 queens for 14 total armies)
Cylindrical Cinders
Colorbound Clobberers with Doublemove F instead of FAD
Colorbound Clobberers II with Doublemove F instead of FAD
Fighting Fizzies
Pizza Kings
Seeping Switchers
(I've got all of the above implemented in a ZRF that just needs some
polishing before I release it.)
Mannis Manglers
Nattering Nabobs of Negativity
Fabulous FIDEs with Iron Ferz instead of Queen
Fabulous FIDEs with Iron Crab instead of Queen