That seems to be the case, because the I.D. works as intended.
Not when I tried it. When I morph my King the AI claims victory. It really needs a royal=... specification. As should be expected, as otherwise only the last piece in the table is royal. When you look at the piece table and click the header of the 'move' column, the royal pieces should have '(c00)' behind their piece value, and J,L,M,O do not have that.
The suggested lines [set wroyal (K J L M O);
set broyal (k j l m o);] I have tried several times before - and just now again. The following happens: as soon as a white piece is clicked, the game stops immediately and the message 'White lost by absence of royalty!' appears.
It appears I have now solved this.
The matter with the custom set is new to me - I'll have a look at it. Many thanks in the meantime.
There is a problem here: When a Diagram is pasted in the (old) PTA, and you generate GAME code from it, piece types that are not on the board won't be mentioned in the custom set that is generated. I won't manage to fix that today. But it is not very difficult to fix it directly in the preset: just copy the suggested code, and then duplicate the line that defines the Kings 4 times, altering the K/k in these copies into J/j, L/l, M/m and O/o respectively. Then all these labels should get a King image. (Well, beware of commas. Each line should end in a comma, except the last!)
Not when I tried it. When I morph my King the AI claims victory. It really needs a royal=... specification. As should be expected, as otherwise only the last piece in the table is royal. When you look at the piece table and click the header of the 'move' column, the royal pieces should have '(c00)' behind their piece value, and J,L,M,O do not have that.
It appears I have now solved this.
There is a problem here: When a Diagram is pasted in the (old) PTA, and you generate GAME code from it, piece types that are not on the board won't be mentioned in the custom set that is generated. I won't manage to fix that today. But it is not very difficult to fix it directly in the preset: just copy the suggested code, and then duplicate the line that defines the Kings 4 times, altering the K/k in these copies into J/j, L/l, M/m and O/o respectively. Then all these labels should get a King image. (Well, beware of commas. Each line should end in a comma, except the last!)