💡📝Michael Nelson wrote on Fri, Dec 15, 2023 02:57 PM UTC:
Fixed a subtle bug in the zrf. Due to a typo, a black pawn in the j-file could not promote except by capturing. I noticed it by observing a Z vs. Z game where Black blew an easy win by persistently failing to move a pawn from j3 to j2 and promoting, eventually letting White escape by a perpetual check draw. BTW, the Harvestman (and Harvestman compounds) are quite good at saving a lost game by perpetual check on a relatively empty board.
Fixed a subtle bug in the zrf. Due to a typo, a black pawn in the j-file could not promote except by capturing. I noticed it by observing a Z vs. Z game where Black blew an easy win by persistently failing to move a pawn from j3 to j2 and promoting, eventually letting White escape by a perpetual check draw. BTW, the Harvestman (and Harvestman compounds) are quite good at saving a lost game by perpetual check on a relatively empty board.
Corrected .zrf uploaded.