Two captures per turn is OK, as long as one of those is the normal replacement capture. The restriction is on the number of locust captures; there can only be one of those. This because the GAME code in the betza.txt include file represents a move as 3 squares plus one piece type to drop; the 3rd square specifies where to drop it, and if the dropped type is an empty square the piece that was sitting on it would be locust captured.
Two captures per turn is OK, as long as one of those is the normal replacement capture. The restriction is on the number of locust captures; there can only be one of those. This because the GAME code in the betza.txt include file represents a move as 3 squares plus one piece type to drop; the 3rd square specifies where to drop it, and if the dropped type is an empty square the piece that was sitting on it would be locust captured.