I suppose a good way for defining how pieces morph into other types upon reaching a certain board square would be the following:
set morphers (X Y Z);
set morphs assoc
X (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (All Q))
Y (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (R N B Q Q B N R))
Z (0 0 0 0 0 (All B) (All R) (All Q))
In this example X, Y and Z are piece labels of promoting pieces, and the morphers array specifies which pieces can morph. The associative array morphs would then define an array for each of those, to specify on which ranks they morph, and if they do, where on the rank to what. The ranks are tabulated low to high, and a 0 would indicate nothing happens on that rank. If there is morphing, for each square on the rank it is specified to what piece type. Or, if the first element is All (assumed to be not a valid piece label), the second element applies to all squares of the rank.
So the example (for an 8x8 board) shows a piece X that promotes to Q on 8th rank, a piece Y that promotes to the piece that started on the promotion square on 8th rank, and a piece Z that promotes on the last 3 ranks, to B on 6th, to R on 7th and to Q on 8th.
I suppose a good way for defining how pieces morph into other types upon reaching a certain board square would be the following:
In this example X, Y and Z are piece labels of promoting pieces, and the morphers array specifies which pieces can morph. The associative array morphs would then define an array for each of those, to specify on which ranks they morph, and if they do, where on the rank to what. The ranks are tabulated low to high, and a 0 would indicate nothing happens on that rank. If there is morphing, for each square on the rank it is specified to what piece type. Or, if the first element is All (assumed to be not a valid piece label), the second element applies to all squares of the rank.
So the example (for an 8x8 board) shows a piece X that promotes to Q on 8th rank, a piece Y that promotes to the piece that started on the promotion square on 8th rank, and a piece Z that promotes on the last 3 ranks, to B on 6th, to R on 7th and to Q on 8th.