Good analysis, HG, and thanks for setting me straight on the rifle capture notation. If I have it right, a Knight-like rifle capture would be cabN.
The current Archer being apparently confusing, I'm thinking to still use the Knight's rifle capture for it, but maybe extend its non-capturing move to 3 spaces (diagonally) so it isn't so slow? (I'd add a rule that it can't capture on the turn right after moving, or can only capture in the directions adjacent to its most recent move, or something like that, but I think it would overcomplicate things.)
As to the Tank, I think I'll ditch both of the current options just go with the Machine's more traditional WD (or WDH in recognition of the board's size) and switch its starting spot with the Rook's.
Good analysis, HG, and thanks for setting me straight on the rifle capture notation. If I have it right, a Knight-like rifle capture would be cabN.
The current Archer being apparently confusing, I'm thinking to still use the Knight's rifle capture for it, but maybe extend its non-capturing move to 3 spaces (diagonally) so it isn't so slow? (I'd add a rule that it can't capture on the turn right after moving, or can only capture in the directions adjacent to its most recent move, or something like that, but I think it would overcomplicate things.)
As to the Tank, I think I'll ditch both of the current options just go with the Machine's more traditional WD (or WDH in recognition of the board's size) and switch its starting spot with the Rook's.