Do you mean white ( pieces don't give check except when they are on ranks 4-7?
Almost - on the border line the king cannot be attacked. The king can be put in check only when a piece of one side has crossed the border line. Specifically, white (blue) can put the king in check on ranks 5-7, and black (red) can do so on ranks 3-1.
What do you think about the volatility of facing rooks and queens?
In Borderline, capturing pieces is excluded - except for the king, which must be captured to win the game. In this respect, it is not of particular importance when rooks and queens face each other. Did I understand the question correctly?
Why Boderline? Unlike the variants where the board is complexly changed (this also goes to my own address with Chess 66 or Chess 69) or new pieces with new move possibilities are created, I was looking for a mechanism which has a certain independence and which has not existed before (hopefully). Maybe I succeeded with a game where there is only one king, which both parties want to capture and which can be moved by both parties instead of one of their own pieces. It is also possible that the game has become too simple for many and they do not want to deal with it. We will see.
Almost - on the border line the king cannot be attacked. The king can be put in check only when a piece of one side has crossed the border line. Specifically, white (blue) can put the king in check on ranks 5-7, and black (red) can do so on ranks 3-1.
In Borderline, capturing pieces is excluded - except for the king, which must be captured to win the game. In this respect, it is not of particular importance when rooks and queens face each other. Did I understand the question correctly?
Why Boderline? Unlike the variants where the board is complexly changed (this also goes to my own address with Chess 66 or Chess 69) or new pieces with new move possibilities are created, I was looking for a mechanism which has a certain independence and which has not existed before (hopefully). Maybe I succeeded with a game where there is only one king, which both parties want to capture and which can be moved by both parties instead of one of their own pieces. It is also possible that the game has become too simple for many and they do not want to deal with it. We will see.