It seems undesirable that the meaning of heavy / light depends on other properties (such as mating potential).
How would you claasify a Gold General? It is worth less than a Knight, but still has mating portential. And you can even take away its step to the right, without spoiling the mating potential. While with only 5 moves it is hardly worth more than a Ferz. Especially if you invert it, so that most moves go backward.
It seems undesirable that the meaning of heavy / light depends on other properties (such as mating potential).
How would you claasify a Gold General? It is worth less than a Knight, but still has mating portential. And you can even take away its step to the right, without spoiling the mating potential. While with only 5 moves it is hardly worth more than a Ferz. Especially if you invert it, so that most moves go backward.