1. sorry, I forgot to enter my name in the last post
2. A lazy queen (or amazon) captures like a queen (the amazon like a
knight also) but cannot move to an empty square.
Somehow I like the idea that demoting ends with some 'lazy' piece,
only captures. But there are other possibilities too, of course.
If this were a modification or a different game, depends on the pont of
view, I think. I just want to give some ideas, maybe leading to a new
game. The coding of demotion can be done so (shown with a bishop which
demotes to knight):
(define slide ;;normal sliding move
( $1 (while empty? add $1)
(verify enemy?) add
(define slidebishop
( $1
(while empty? (add Knight) $1) ;; demote on empty square
(verify enemy?) add ;; dont demote when capturing
(name Bishop)
(image White '...' Black '...')
(slide nw) (slide ne)
(slidebishop sw) (slidebishop se)