💡📝M Winther wrote on Mon, Apr 23, 2007 06:17 AM UTC:
Earlier we had a long discussion of the Mastodon's value, but I don't remember what we concluded. Anyway, the 10x10 board changes things. The bishop is suddenly worth a pawn more than a knight and the rook is worth 6, or two knights. So the Mastodon seems to be worth 6 on all boards, but as the rook is stronger on a 10x10 board it seems equally valuable as a Mastodon on a 10x10 board. It takes four moves for the Mastodon to move across the board, while it takes only one move for the rook. With this piece I have not tested the approach of staging Mastodons against rooks, but it's a good idea. I think I'll do that.