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Some similar ideas to Chess Plus: Chess++ (a joke on the computer language
C++) or Chess+- (Chess more or less).
I don't think either of those are taken. On the other hand, there are a
number of unpublished YA named games (no, not <u>Y</u>oung <u>A</u>dult,
but <u>Y</u>et <u>A</u>nother, like in YACC for <u>Y</u>et <u>A</u>nother
<u>C</u>ompiler <u>C</u>ompiler), such as YADCV (<u>Y</u>et <u>A</u>nother
<u>D</u>ecimal <u>C</u>hess <u>V</u>ariant), or one by David Howe who's
name escapes me.
Hey! I rather like the Chess++ idea. And it even fits my game concept thematically. Dibs again! ;) So here's a coding question for Peter or the other top ZRF experts. I'd like to set up a game where pieces are 'in the queue' off the board behind specific pieces that start in the array. For example, let's say that a 'general' starts in the queue behind the 'cardinal.' When the cardinal moves away from its array square, the general appears there. This only happens once, though, and additional moves by the cardinal do not create more generals. This idea might allow me to incorporate unorthodox pieces on the standard chessboard without clogging up the array and therefore bogging down the opening. And who wants clogging and bogging, anyway? But I need to playtest it. Any hints on the best way to code this in Zillions? I could probably come up with something, but I have the feeling it would take me ten times as long to reason it out as it will take Peter et.al. Thanks!
Well, as usual with Zillions, there are a number of ways to do what you want. The approach I'd be inclined to try is use a first move attribute for the piece, and on the first move use an add-copy instead of an add, and then go back and do a change type on the starting square.
I have implemented a very crude membership system for chessvariants.com. You can now become a member of this site. I have also changed the commenting system to be able to utilize member information. Stay tuned as we continue to develop this capability and add member functions to various areas of the site. Feedback is welcome and keep in mind -- this is a work in progress...
When creating a comment, if you are a member, you may specify your user id. After previewing your comment you will enter your password. This will, in effect, allow people to create *verified* comments (ie. the name associated with the comment really is the person that the name indicates). In the near future, I will be adding the capability of allowing people to edit their own (verified) comments.
Here's a way to do it with a bit less overhead. Have two Bishop pieces and call one an unmoved_Bishop. When the unmoved Bishop moves, change it to an ordinary Bishop, and create another piece on its old space.
Had I understood that the comment pages would now display my ID instead of my name, I would have not used such an anti-mnemonic ID.
I can have it display your full name. But if you hover your mouse pointer over the smiley face, it will give your name.
How is it possible for someone to know if the person you are playing is using a computer cheat program to win against you? I wouldn't think that would be fair to someone who is trying very hard at the game with no chance of winning.
Verified comments now display full name instead of user id. I have also added editing capability so that verified comments can be edited even after they are posted..
I believe chess variants would be taken more seriously, and get better support, if there was a world champion at them and a world championship to determine who is the best Chess Variant player. For this, all variants agreed to by the regulating organization would be open game. A problem with fostering one or another chess variant in particular to serve as an alternative standard FIDE is that it doesn't generate enough interest. What are people's comments regarding this? Do you feel having a world champion chess variant player, and a rating system, would be of value?
I absolutely agree. But I note several practical difficulties. 1) Which variants? This also invites subquestions...how is a variant recognized for official play, how is the list determined for a championship series, how do we develop laws which cover the wide realm of variants... 2) Should games such as shogi and xiangqi (or Western chess!), with their own firmly established organizations, be considered as variants? 3) Should tournaments utilizing only one variant be counted, or only events involving two or more? 4) How does one balance the variants in issuing ratings, given that player proficiency is certain to vary across the spectrum of games? 5) Is there enough of an audience of variantists (who play more than one or two games with some proficiency) to be credible or worthwhile? Certainly as the contest guy here, I'm keenly interested in the idea you raise. But we'd have quite a road in front of us... Glenn Overby
anybody know where i can find the rules to coalition chess (koalitionsschach)? it doesn't appear on cv.com or in the evc. i don't know if it's a good game, but i'm curious because it was invented by 12-tone composer arnold schoenberg.
Look at: http://www.schoenberg.at/6_archiv/designs/designs_chess_e.htm http://www.usc.edu/isd/archives/schoenberg/painting/gamehtms/noritter10.htm
hey, thanks. the rules are horribly written, i can't tell if this because it's not a good translation, or cause schoenberg's original rules were written badly also. it's not clear to me if the plane can only capture at the end of the second move, or if it can capture on the first and then make a second knight move (chushogi lion-style), but it's more likely that he meant the former, in which case his claim that the plane is the most powerful piece is false, considering that the sub is equivalent to the amazon. anyway, i'll add it to my (long) cv to-do list to submit a page to the editors for linking to these pages.
In each match, each player chooses his variant (which may be Orthochess), and the two players send simultaneously their moves in four games (this takes care of games which are a sure win for one side). In a round-robin, win, draw and loss are valued the usual 1, 0.5 and 0, and you can have the players share four points or have their scores normalized to 1, 0.5 and 0. In match play, first first win (in one variant) is awarded an extra 0.11, and second first win (in the other variant) gets only 0.10, so this may untie the match.
I have the game concept worked out and I'm going over the list of pieces and writing a ZRF. Pieces will have value classes from 1 for pawns, 2 for minor pieces, up to 8 for an Amazon-rider (!). If you don't have a piece in your pocket you may remove one of your pieces (not your king) from the board and put it 'in your pocket'. This piece is is immediately demoted one value class (but pawns are not demoted)--except when the piece is removed from the eight rank: in that case the piece is immediately promoted one value class (but a class 8 piece remains class 8). You may choose any piece of the appropriate value class when you put the piece in your pocket. If you have a piece in your pocket, you may drop it on the board. A class 1 piece (pawn) may drop anywhere on the board, a class 2 piece may drop on the first to seventh ranks, a class 3 piece on the first to sixth ranks, and up to a class 8 piece can only drop on the fisrt rank. Pocketing and dropping each count as moves. Promotion is done only by pocketing on the enemy eighth rank, so it is legal to pocket a pawn, drop it on the eight rank, repocket it and promote to a minor piece. But this will take four moves to get the minor piece on the board. Pocketing and dropping closer to the eight rank for promotion won't be used for non-pawns as you demote one class for the first pocketing and the promotion takes you back to where you started-- though this could be a viable way to reconfigure your army. A pawn dropped on the first rank may not take a double step, a pawn dropped on the second rank or moved up from the first rank may. Castling may not be done with a dropped Rook. Your may keep a piece in your pocket as long as you wish, but you choose the new piece when the piece goes in to the pocket. Strategy and tactics will focus on breaking through to the enemy back rank to use it for promotions. I would like to hear suggestions for the pieces in each value class.
The designs for the <a href='../dpieces.dir/fighting-fizzies.html'>Fighting Fizzies</a> and for <a href='../other.dir/ruddigore-chess.html'>Ruddigore Chess</a> were first posted in the comment system for input before they became pages. No one complained, and the feedback was helpful.
mmm... looks good. But you must tell what happens with an arrow that points directly at a board corner (vg a northeast arrow at h8)
At Zillions 2.0 you can use the create command.
Here is a piece of code which works for another pair of drops (plus a third one on a phony square). The macro drops a pair of halfling long-leapers on b1 and g1, or b8 and g8, by clicking on g1 or g8, after veryfing that shooters, coordinators, advancers or withdrawers haven't been dropped by either player(only one pair of halflings will be dropped -- the same type for each player, but the first player chooses where -- and which kind -- to drop), and that the two squares to receive the halfling long leapers are empty . (It also drops a third one on DroppedLongLeapers, to prevent the drop of shooters, coordinators, advancers or withdrawers.) (define drop-halfling-long-leapers-on-g ( (verify (and (neutral? WhiteKingMoved) (neutral? BlackKingMoved))) (verify (empty? DroppedShooters)) (verify (empty? DroppedCoordinators)) (verify (empty? DroppedAdvancers)) (verify (empty? DroppedWithdrawers)) (if (am-white) b1 else b8) (verify empty?) (if (am-white) g1 else g8) (verify empty?) cascade (if (am-white) b1 else b8) cascade DroppedLongLeapers add )) The procedure is called in the drops part of the piece. So something like (if (am-white) 'this square' else 'that square' (verify empty?) cascade (if am-white) 'that square' else 'this square' (verify empty?) change-owner add should work, at least if the rotational or reflectional squares are known -and empty?
I assume that a piece moving, say, northeast from g8 bounces off two imaginary squares and reenters on h7, moving southwest. Did I assume correctly? :-)
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