Comments by graeme
1. Tell me where you can acquire the pieces to do this? Saying, 'Well we
can make our own' isn't something someone you introduce the game to, will
actually do
The future of chess, I suspect, is on computers and the internet within the virtual cyber-realms created by software. Any initial lack of physical pieces should not hinder the popularity of a variant.
2. If people thing adding two pieces between queen and rook level is too
powerful, how is having a rook fly down to the other side and promote, and
the other pieces going to not be overpowered?
Surely a Rook promoted to RN is a less powerful outcome than a Rook and newly dropped RN ?
3. Is the main concern 'congestion'? ...
The main concern is surely playability? Unless a variant plays well it is unlikely to gain a following, however well it is promoted.
I will say the point about gating is that it is a useful way to integrate
new pieces into older games. As is promotion.
If you don't happen to like it, or anything drop related, you are forcing chess to follow the same way it has always been, that being fixed positions
I am not forcing chess into anything, merely suggesting a way for using RN and BN within an 8x8 board. Besides, neither 'drop' nor 'promote' will change the fixed nature of the starting position. The only solution to that is to introduce non-determinism.
.. so this would not be conventional gating.
Yes, it would seem to be a combination of (c) and (e)
... what fixed set of rules would be needed to still identify the game as chess, and allow for infinite variations? ...
From the CVwiki we have
The single defining quality of 'Chess' is that
the winning condition is predicated on one (the royal) of two (royal and non-royal) classes of pieces
If this statement is accepted then for a game to be a chess variant it must have these 2 rules: one to define the royal and non-royal classes; and one to define the winning condition in terms of the royal class.
Joe, I've hooked it into the Welcome page (page name start).
The quickest way to find the name of a page is to go to that page and then look in you browser's address bar - the text after the final '/' is the page's name.
My games:
- TriMac HexChess
- Modern Courier Chess
- Save the Standard 13x13
Joe, I've added a comments section to the Named Games page thinking that it could be used for any negotiations, questions etc.
That's everyone named their initial set of games - the full list is here
An as yet unpublished preset for TriMac HexChess is available here
Changed my games
Replacing TriMac HexChess
Circular Chess with Crooked Bishops and Queen
'... I would like to hear someone explain why draw rate of 60% or higher is a good thing ...'
I don't believe anyone has claimed it to be a good thing.
What I do not comprehend is why some think it to be a bad thing.
Between equally proficient opponents I would expect a high percentage of draws.
Carlos, I can view the games but cannot play them. The userid seems to be grayhawke2 - it should be just grayhawke, without the 2.
Carlos, I don't mind creating a new userid, but am not sure how that helps. Can't the games be reassigned to grayhawke?
Thanks to all for their comments.
I have added a paragraph to the end of the rules section in an attempt to answer Doug Chatham's question.
With regard to the 'no pawns' loss condition, I see it as akin to the 'bare king' state which is used as a loss condition in several variants. It seems reasonable to me that a side without attacking potential should be deemed to have lost.
Following Michael Nelson's suggestions, I have attempted to further clarify the losing scenarios.
Although I have altered stalemate from a draw to a loss (a personal preference), in line with my second design aim 3-fold repetition remains a draw.
Joe Joyce said
I'd like to thank everybody who participated...
And I would like to thank all the judges for their time and effort with special thanks to Joe for holding things together and guiding the competition to its conclusion.
Joe, I think your knight-slider is kin to my Marauder
Point-n-Click can be done entirely in PHP - see here
The code is in a zip file here.
Not sure how clear it is but I'll try to answer any questions you may have.
Basically it uses a transparent image that overlays the board as an input type in a form that returns a set of co-ordinates.
Sam Trenholme wrote:
'Would you be open to me modifying your Zillions' file ...'
Please feel free to modify the file as you wish.
I think Game Courier only supports square or hex boards though it may be possible to upload a custom graphic.
Is Fairy-Max still being developed? I am using it as the engine in my MAGPIES project, and was wondering if the 8-rank restriction was likely to be removed in the near future. If not then no matter, I'll try adapting the code myself.
Thanks for the info and pointer to MaxQi. I've downloaded the source for MaxQi - if I get anywhere with adapting the code I'll make the source available on my magpies site.
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I have never been a fan of the drop, feeling it to be an alien addition to the mechanics of chess. Promotion on the other hand is not, being a well established chess mechanism.
I therefore suggest using promotion as a better means of introducing the RN and BN. Thus, for example the Rook could promote to RN on making a capture, and the Bishop likewise but to BN. The idea could be extended further allowing the Knight to promote to, say, a Nightrider.
Using promotion also goes someway towards relieving the piece-density and power increases associated with dropping; more so if the number of each of the new pieces is restricted to one.