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Charles Gilman wrote on Tue, Jan 5, 2016 07:51 AM UTC:
I am adding <a href="../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSvecotha">VeCoTha</a> to the list of variants which I am considering discontinuing. It got hostile reviews from the start, and it would give me an excuse to eliminate the Halter from Man and Beast (assuming that I can edit the relevant pages). I do not recall anyone else taking up this method for limiting Nightrider and Rose strength. <p> The final straw was when the tabulation that I originally used to display the array diagram had stopped working properly by the time that I reviewed it. I did not fancy writing out 113 images required for a ffen-lookalike diagram, and so decided to resort to a 2kb single image. My attempt to post this failed so I had to resort to Ascii Art, and it then occurred to me that if the best way to represent a variant was by an actual single image it might be a sign that the array is too complex. If ffen could display Rivers, between files as well as between ranks, it might have been a different matter. If a virtual single image generator could display them it would be even better but it seems that the first such system cannot. <p> So my list of up-for-deletion variants currently stands at: <br><a href='../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSanglisqimodifi'>Anglis Qi modified to add Cannons and Arrows</a>, which makes for quite a cramped 8x8 board. <br><a href='../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSemperorsnobili'>Emperor's Nobility 3d Latrunculi</a>, a not very Chess-like 3d variant with a complex chain of promotions. <br><a href='../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSgatewaychess'>Gateway Chess</a>, another one-off microregional like many of those that have already gone and with awkward not-very-Chess-like extra rules. <br><a href='../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSpartnershipmit'>Partnership Mitregi</a>, an 8x8 promotion-free Shogi variant. <br><a href='../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSpawnthebrain'>Pawn the Brain</a>, originally a showcase for divergent-piece names that I have replaced with a simple prefix for the original Take the Brain pieces. <br><a href='../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSsextuplebesieg'>Sextuple Besiege Wellisch</a>, a hex version of my Quadruple Besiege variants and hard to illustrate. <br><a href='../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSsquareversushe'>Square Versus Hex</a> and <a href='../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSxiangcata'>Xiangcata</a>, two variants whose mixture of geometries forces my Man and Beast to qualifying some pieces "only avaliable in 3d" with "usually". <br><a href="../index/msdisplay.php?itemid=MSvecotha">VeCoTha</a>, for the reasons given above.

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