Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To Sam Trenholme wrote on Mon, Oct 9, 2006 10:05 PM UTC:Nearly 13 years ago, someone with the name "Michael N Goldshteyn" proposed a huge 14x14 Chess variant. His variant was proposed in this Usenet article: http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.chess/msg/aa184ce18ea1d8ae?dmode=source&hl=en I do not think he would be overly offended if I reposted his proposed Variant, so here goes: Here is yet another idea for a 2 player chess variant. Although not all rules have been defined yet, here goes. By the way leave me comments if you find this a good idea, as well as change possibilities to make it more fun. Super Chess on 14x14 board Piece Symbol Description pawn P moves: forward 1, forward 1 or 2 initially captures: diagonally forward, all promotion: promotes to all but king upon reaching final rank knight N moves: L shaped 2 square in one direction, 1 square at right angle to first direction captures: same as moves and occupies that square bishop B moves: Diagonaly any number unless blocked captures: diagonaly first enemy in path, and occupies that square rook R moves: Straight line any number unless blocked captures: straight line first enemy in path, and occupies square queen Q moves: bishop+rook captures: bishop+rook camel C moves: similar to knight but 3 and 1 instead of 2 and 1 (bigger L) captures: similar to knight but 3 and 1 instead of 2 and 1 octopus O moves: knight+bishop captures: knight+bishop shifter S moves: like king captures: like king jumper J moves: 2 squares any direction captures: can jump over one enemy piece like a checker, capturing it and occupying the destination square, 2 away from the start square air A moves: 4 squares in any combination (straight+diagonal) captures: any enemy along path, stopping at that square lord L moves: rook+knight captures: rook+knight demon D moves: like king captures: none special: any friendly piece touched cannot be captured, other than another demon faerie F moves: like bishop captures: like rook envy E moves: like king captures: none special: give any friendly piece touching other than an envy or pawn, queen like movement and capture capability, in addition to normal abilities, but only for one move if contact is lost on that move. Once contact is lost, piece reverts to normal. grunt G moves: camel+king captures: camel+king special: if captured, returns to square of origin if not occupied, otherwise lost (square of origin on either side (left or right) of board, permissible) king K moves: 1 square any direction, but not into check, no castling captures: 1 square any direction, but not into check special: if under attack, and cannot defend, it is checkmated, game over, opponent wins. Stalemate is a loss. No draws accept by agreement of players. Initial board configuration: ernbocqkcobnre gdflsjaajslfdg pppppppppppppp -+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+ d-+-+-+-+-+-+d D+-+-+-+-+-+-D +-+-+-+-+-+-+- -+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+- PPPPPPPPPPPPPP GDFLSJAAJSLFDG ERNBOCQKCOBNRE I strongly recommend you print this out and look it over and tell me what you think :). So, what do people think of this variant? Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID Super Chess 1993 does not match any item.