Enter Your Reply The Comment You're Replying To Joe Joyce wrote on Thu, Mar 16, 2006 01:08 AM UTC:Sam, I believe you have crossed the Rubicon into wargame design with your game proposal in CoT. You have all pieces moving each turn (in what order?) and ranged combat with odds for success, a hex board and terrain; all you need is to call it a wargame, and maybe add a combat results table for all 'combats' between 2 opposing pieces, not just the ranged ones. I would recommend to anyone HG Wells 'Little Wars' for a fascinating look at wargaming from some of the history and how to of wargaming to pictures of an influential author on hands and knees in miniature battle scenes. It's not quite chess. I see a line between chess variants and wargames that is crossed several times in Crossing the Rubicon. Edit Form You may not post a new comment, because ItemID CrossnTheRubicon does not match any item.