Spanish Chess 1283
Keys "s"=save "l"=load "b"=back once
Keys "s"=save "l"=load "b"=back once
Pawns may only make the two-square advance if no capture has been made. The queen moves one square diagonally only, except she can jump two diagonally on her first move, but may not capture when jumping. Pawns promote only to queens and may also make the jump on the first move. If there is still a friendly queen on the board, the pawn must wait to become a queen until the old one is captured. There is no castling. I decided that the en passant rule is in effect, and that stalemate and bare king win.
These are simple illustrations rather than strong opponents.
Bug Reports -- Thank you! Keep them coming!
Written by Ed Friedlander
WWW Page Added: Sunday, December 30, 2001