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Person ID: First Name: Last Name: Middle Name: email: You are not logged in as an editor, so this email is hidden.Web site: Path to image file: Zillions of Games site Author ID: Block any new comments from this person Contributor Notes: Hello! I'm a USA-based strategy game enthusiast. My arrival here was at first for the sole purpose of finding new opponents for the game I specialize in, chu shogi. I accept all chu shogi invitations with reasonable time control. One-on-one chu shogi lessons are sometimes available. I offer a reward of US$30 to the first person to fairly defeat me on Chess Variants in a non-handicapped game of chu shogi. To be eligible for the reward, time control must be: 4-7 days grace time, 12-25 hours spare time, no bonus, no extra. Based off of historical and recent games with ranked players, my chu shogi strength is between 7 dan and 8 dan. New password: