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If you do not know these, any more you are rowing blindly, thrashing in thin air (remember flat earth?), designing in the void, to be condemned forever and stockaded for now. Duals include Ferz->Wazir, N->Camel, Zebra->Zemel, Giraffe->Gimel, Antelope->Namel. They should become second nature and their relationships. For example, Antelope 4,3 = 25 SOLL. x2=50. 50= SOLL Namel 7,1. Giraffe 4,1 = SOLL 17, x2=34 -> as 25+9, 5,3 Gimel. Triangulating is not the norm for oblique leaper. That is why we compound them, like Carrera compounds in 1617, not so long ago, B and N to Centaur, who triangulates. Coprime oblique leapers in fact none of them triangulate, because in squares they switch. They either switch colour, or they switch rank as to odd or even from origination. // (1) Still being thought-processed: Non-coprime NN 2,4 cannot triangulate 2-D either but keeps both colour and ranks' binding odd/even; not switching here = not triangulating? (2) Determining triangulation in cubes depends on the board's 3 dimensions with respect to the coordinates of the leaper.
ChessboardMath11 Quiz 3.September.2009 #(1) asks ''Identify Umbrella and Mallet.'' This is technical even for Charles Gilman. Umbrella is forward only 5,4 leaper version of Rector, and Mallet is forward only leaper version of 6,1 Flamingo. That's the answer, appearing here after the paragraph beginning ''Shogi...'' In practice they might become compound with some Pawn, such as Jeremy just lists from Gilman's other work. The ten/eleven questions of the quiz are being answered periodically every few days. Then they can be summed up back at ChessboardMath11 later. #(2) already answered is that at ''Worse Than Worthless'' Betza describes Nattering Nabobs of Negativity for CDA choice.
There's a typo in this article: you say that "Vine+8:3 VUMP=VANDYMAN", but shouldn't that be 7:3 VUMP?
For reason I don't know, I don't see the full diagrams: I only see the boards and the piece in its middle, but the possible moves are not shown.
Yeah, among all 21 MAB articles,I could not see complete movement diagram with full capture and not capture move.
Same for me, none of the diagrams work in these MAB articles. These articles seem really useful but are really dense with information and hard to follow, so without functioning diagrams I can't really make heads or tails out of them.
There is something very fishy with this Man & Beast page: I cannot get the page source! When I request it through my browser, I get the page source of a page announcing a 520 error by Cloudflare. This doesn't happen for any other page on CVP.
I cannot reproduce that problem, pressing CTRL-U in Firefox gives me a clean and readable source page.
Must be on your end, it works for me:
There must be something very wrong with my FireFox. Anyway, I managed to work around it by logging on to a remote Linux system, and using wget there to fetch the page. I wanted to see what it uses to generate the faulty images. This appears to be the following:
<IMG SRC="/play/pbm/drawdiagram.php?code=9-18-">
Apparently it relies on the diagram designer to display a period as some marker. And for some reason it doesn't.
Apparently it relies on the diagram designer to display a period as some marker. And for some reason it doesn't.
I've noted this before. We used to allow a period for a movement marker.
I started to look into a fix last night, but was having problems connecting to the server. I'll try again tonight. If I can't find a clever enough search-and-replace method, I might consider a spinoff (legacy version) DiagramDesigner for these pages.
Is here a compelling reason to not simply fix the diagram designer so that it shows a marker for a period? At the moment it seems to completely ignore the periods in the FEN code. So it doesn't seem to be in use for something else.
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