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Pyrrhus Chess
Gorgona Chess
...The donkey *is* actually stronger than a knight, and therefore the name is proper, I think...
Sorry for being slightly off-topic, and I may be missing the point entirely (I often do), but I fail to see why the term donkey would be suitable for a piece stronger than a knight. The term carries overtones of stupidity, and the actual animal is surely weaker than a knight's war-horse?
From an ancient warfare standpoint a better name might be Cataphract; or from a modern military standpoint perhaps Tank?
So it depends on what aspects you highlight whether it's stronger than a horse. It is clearly more tenacious and enduring than a horse, more swift and sure-footed.
I grant you that the donkey may have certain strengths when compared to a horse: sure-footedness; endurance; intelligence; but not swiftness. However, I find it impossible to imagine a donkey being capable of standing, let alone moving, if asked to carry a fully armoured knight weighing 200 pounds or more.
Even the horse was unequal to the task, leading to the breeding of the great horse or destrier for use by knights in battle or tourney.
Well, I for one, hold the donkey in even higher regard than the horse. (By the way, I have, once again updated my zrf:s of Gorgona and Pyrrhus Chess. They are now much stronger. The paralysing capacity is very curious.) /Mats
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