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Divergent Chess, Asymmetric, Biform, Schizophrenic Chess, Exotic Chess java applet. And year 1927 (!) Thinktank. Bifurcators are all divergent Gilman probably sees no need to catalogue because of the unambiguous naming.
Asymmetric/Biform - all pieces are divergent in this one, and they do not even include the Stewardess and Contrastewardess, under any names. For some reason I could not find it in the index either name, but only as a link from the next.
Divergent - at least includes the Stewardess and Contrastewardess, but again no standard back-rank pieces.
Exotic - the only page startinhg wit Exotic that I could find.
/large.dir/contest84/schizophrenic.html - did not appear to have any relevant pieces.
What I was looking for was a variant in which the middle two Pawns were pushed forward by either the Stewardesses or the Contrastewardesses - I cannot remember which - while the other pair were on the back rank, with their Pawns in the usual place.
Asymmetric/Biform - all pieces are divergent in this one, and they do not even include the Stewardess and Contrastewardess, under any names. For some reason I could not find it in the index either name, but only as a link from the next.
Divergent - at least includes the Stewardess and Contrastewardess, but again no standard back-rank pieces.
Exotic - the only page starting with Exotic that I could find, and I was looking for something far less amorphous.
Schizophrenic - did not appear to have any relevant pieces.
Thinktank, implemented as Sniper Chess - again no standard back-rank pieces.
What I was looking for was a variant in which the middle two Pawns start on the third rank as either the Stewardesses or the Contrastewardesses - I cannot remember which - are behind them, while the other pair are on the back rank, with their Pawns in the usual place.
* two pieces aside on outer files, three aside on the innermost ones;
* the FIDE back rank in their usual numbers;
* two aside each of the Stewardess and Contrastewardess;
* possibly two aside each of another piece, though possibly no further non-Pawns;
* as many Pawns as files, on whatever is the front rank of each file.
This variant would be easier than Divergent Chess, Loonybird, aor Thinktank to extrapolate to non-AltOrth hex analogies.
Charles, also addicted to minutiae, I saw that CV but must have only linked it not commented directly; it's probably findable soon again, made I remember under cvpage auspices about 2003 to 2008 after Divergent Chess.
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