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Hi, I made my own Chess variant, that I call Cathayan Chess. Is there anything we can do about it?
You could post a description of the rules on this website.
Where can I create my piece set? Please answer. Good site, thank You!
Where can I create my piece set?
For what purpose? If you want to use your own piece graphics in the Interactive Diagram you can just upload the images to the page belonging to your article, and point the Diagram to the corresponding directory.
For Diagram Designer it is same? I uploaded my files in chessvariants , but what I should do to upload in Diagram Designer?
For Diagram Designer it is same? I uploaded my files in chessvariants , but what I should do to upload in Diagram Designer?
Game Courier uses set files that list the pieces in a set. Each set file is a PHP script that sets at least two variables. One is the $dir variable, which contains the location of the pieces relative to the main directory of the website. The other is the $pieces directory, which is an associative array with piece labels keyed to file names of graphic images. Sometimes, other variables are included. Shogi sets include $width and $height to set the dimensions of spaces, the $flip variable to indicate that the set may be flipped, and the $setdesc variable to provide a text description of the set when it's used in Game Courier. Some also include a $flipped variable, which is like the $piece variable for images to use when the piece set is flipped for Shogi-like games.
Set files go into the /play/pbm/sets directory, and there is also a sets.php script that needs to be filled in with information about each set. These details can be handled by an editor once you make your pieces available and provide the set files you want used.
To elaborate a bit on what Fergus said: the PHP set scripts assign a piece label (usually a single letter) to each image, which then can be used in the FEN fed to the Diagram Designer. But some sets are 'automatic', which means they scan the image directory for any images for which they haven't defined a piece label yet, and include these in the set with the root of the image name as label. This is the kind of thing you would want here. To give an example, I printed the auto-alfaeriePNG.php script below:
<? include_once "/home/chessvariants/public_html/play/pbm/constants.php"; $dir = "/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/"; $dirname = CVP_ROOT . "/graphics.dir/alfaeriePNG/"; $maindir = opendir($dirname); $pieces = array(); $width = $height = 50; while ($filename = readdir($maindir)) { $fullname = $dirname . $filename; if (!is_file($fullname)) continue; $t = mime_content_type($fullname); if (($t != "image/gif") && ($t != "image/png")) continue; list($w, $h, $t) = getimagesize($fullname); if (($t != IMAGETYPE_GIF) && ($t != IMAGETYPE_PNG)) continue; if (($w > $width) || ($h > $height)) continue; $key = substr($filename, 1, strlen($filename)-5); if (($filename[0] == "w") || ($filename[0] == "W")) $key = strtoupper($key); elseif (($filename[0] == "b") || ($filename[0] == "B")) $key = strtolower($key); else $key = $filename[0] . $key; $pieces[$key] = $filename; $width = max($width, $w); $height = max($width, $h); } $pieces["P"] = $pieces["PAWN"]; $pieces["p"] = $pieces["pawn"]; $pieces["N"] = $pieces["KNIGHT"]; $pieces["n"] = $pieces["knight"]; $pieces["B"] = $pieces["BISHOP"]; $pieces["b"] = $pieces["bishop"]; $pieces["R"] = $pieces["ROOK"]; $pieces["r"] = $pieces["rook"]; $pieces["Q"] = $pieces["QUEEN"]; $pieces["q"] = $pieces["queen"]; $pieces["K"] = $pieces["KING"]; $pieces["k"] = $pieces["king"]; $pieces["C"] = $pieces["CANNON"]; $pieces["c"] = $pieces["cannon"]; $pieces["A"] = $pieces["CARDINAL"]; $pieces["a"] = $pieces["cardinal"]; $pieces["M"] = $pieces["CHANCELLOR"]; $pieces["m"] = $pieces["chancellor"]; $pieces["E"] = $pieces["ELEPHANTFERZ"]; $pieces["e"] = $pieces["elephantferz"]; $pieces["J"] = $pieces["CAMEL"]; $pieces["j"] = $pieces["camel"]; $pieces["D"] = $pieces["DRAGON"]; $pieces["d"] = $pieces["dragon"]; $pieces["W"] = $pieces["WILDEBEEST"]; $pieces["w"] = $pieces["wildebeest"]; $pieces["L"] = $pieces["LION"]; $pieces["l"] = $pieces["lion"]; $pieces["U"] = $pieces["UNICORN"]; $pieces["u"] = $pieces["unicorn"]; $pieces["F"] = $pieces["BIRD"]; $pieces["f"] = $pieces["bird"]; $pieces["Z"] = $pieces["AMAZON"]; $pieces["z"] = $pieces["amazon"]; $pieces["G"] = $pieces["GRYPHON"]; $pieces["g"] = $pieces["gryphon"]; closedir ($maindir); $width = $height = 50; asort ($pieces); ?>
I have PHP set files for my Seireigi graphics available for Game Courier.
Set Group: Seireigi Pieces
Okay, I have added them to the sets/ directory, and I have put them all in a Seireigi group in sets.php.
Thank you. However, it looks like I made some mistakes when defining the sets, which I have fixed in the updated set files below.
Okay, I unzipped this to the sets/ directory.
Thank you. I double-checked the sets again, and everything is mapped properly.
I noticed one last set of mistakes involving flipped pieces in the Mnemonic Seireigi set file, which escaped my attention during the earlier inspection. I have corrected that in the zipped folder below.
Okay, I unzipped that file to sets/.
I have updated set files for the Seireigi piece sets, to account for an added piece type.
Also, It seems that some wires got crossed in the code for Game Courier's piece sets. Whenever a set file with flip set to true is used, the pieces appear to be flipped when the board is not and vice versa.
May I briefly refer to my post of Mon, Dec 25 04:51 PM CET.
Dai Seireigi's Rules page needs re-published, as I deleted and re-posted as a last resort it during the File Manager fiasco.
Okay, I have republished it.
In case you missed it (which is likely), I've updated my SVG page.
(Also, the Icon Clearinghouse and all of my variants are, as far as I can determine, ready to be published -- though I'll still probably want to make an IC Part 6.)
I have updated set files for the Seireigi graphics.
I have now unzipped this to the sets directory.
In case you missed it (which is likely), I've updated my SVG page.
(Also, the Icon Clearinghouse and all of my variants are, as far as I can determine, ready to be published -- though I'll still probably want to make an IC Part 6.)
Sorry to be a pest about this, but it's still waiting.
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