Tournament games have never been rated.
In fact, very few games played here were rated.
This Ratings List is calculated from all rated games played in
the last 365 days. Players with less than four games were removed.
Name Userid GCR Percent GCR1 GCR2
carlos carlos carlos 1629 10.0/12 = 83.33% 1649 1609
Bogot Bogot olbog 1482 2.0/ 4 = 50.00% 1507 1457
je ju jejujeju 1481 19.5/36 = 54.17% 1521 1441
Jeremy Good judgmentality 1438 1.0/ 4 = 25.00% 1461 1414
Abdul-Rahman Sibahi sibahi 1436 3.0/ 8 = 37.50% 1448 1425
George Duke gwduke 1412 1.0/ 4 = 25.00% 1415 1410
juan rodriguez rodriguez 1385 7.5/27 = 27.78% 1419 1350