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Ha-ha! Well, all right, Stephen, if you say so; but regarding art from the past--I think 'Mona Lisa' is awfully darn' homely--I mean, LOOK at her--, and 'Pieta' has Mama at 7 foot 8 inches to Sonny's 5 foot 6 or so, so Jean-Louis isn't the only arteeste who could have done it better. (I'm not saying a word about some of the things that I did that I wouldn't mind doing again better, either. Hopefully we grow as we go, so, M. Cazaux, ou etes vous? (Peut-etre il est mon malodoreuse francais? Ou que j'ai votre nom misecrivee dans l'article a erbzine? Pardon, je sais c'est tres tard, mais je le fixerai toutes de suite!)