Comments by GerdDegens
Here is my new proposal for a variant with pawn promotion.
No further comments on my variant? Then I would be happy if it were published.
Apparently little interest in my variant. Nevertheless, I ask for publication.
@ Ben: Thank you for your kind comment.
When you say:
"Progressive" in variants usually means increasing moves per turn; the title could be confusing.
then exactly your statement happens, namely that the pawn now has 6 possibilities instead of two to capture.
@ H.G.:
What does it mean: "is obsolete"? If you mean "not allowed in this variant", then better say it. Because there are plenty of people that wouldn't see any harm in doing obsolete things...
Here I do not understand you. 'Obsolete' does not mean 'out of date', but redundant. With my variation, the 'en passant' rule becomes unnecessary.
@ Bob:
... Maybe they could be called Power Pawns?
I have little interest in new figures. I am interested in the further development of standard chess - a rather chanceless endeavour.
@ H.G.:
No, that is not what "more moves per turn" means. You just give a choice between more moves, but the player can play only one of those. In Progressive Chess you would be able to move 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... different Pawns each turn.
You're way ahead of me there. Instead of two fields, the pawns can now conquer 6 fields. How else would you call the increase "progressive". What is your term?
I have adapted the description of my variant.
Thanks for the comments.
I am trying to bring my variant 'Enhanced Pawn Chess' to Game Courier. I have created the preset, which still runs with the include file 'chess2.txt'. Actually, I intended to save this file under the name 'EnhancedPawnChess.txt' and then modify it in the segment 'Pawn Capturing' according to the enhanced rules. But I am not sure if such a procedure is desired.
My real problem, however, is to modify the game code so that it fits my variant. Despite the 'Developer's Guide' and 'How to Enforce Rules in Game Courier' I can't manage - the latter lists the subroutines for white Pawn Mouvment and Pawn Promotion, but how to adapt is the question! I am working on it, but it will take time.
At this point I would be grateful if I could get help in modifying the pawn rule.
Hadn't worked with either Game Courier or Play-Test Applet so far. I have started with Game Courier and would like to start with Play-Test Applet afterwards. I would be happy if it were a little easier to get to grips with.
Surely a GAME code already exists for Standard Chess; where can I find it (maybe a stupid question)? I would then modify the pawn move as you advised - thanks for that.
Indeed, the Play-Test applet seems to be ingenious. You just have to understand the Betza notation, which is what I'm dealing with at the moment.
You said that in the play-test applet you only have to change the pawn movement to fmWcFscW. Do I understand correctly that this notation does not take into account the pawn's initial move? Shouldn't the notation then be written completely as follows: ifmnDfmWcFscW ?
EPC now interactive playable.
In the explanations for the Play-test applet for chess variants, under Automating Game Courier/GAME-Code, it says: 'You will have to tick the checkbox "Do not include moves in code" just above the Pre-Game section'.
In the Game Courier Preset I don't find this checkbox and what happens if the checkbox is not ticked?
I've been trying to reply for some time, but I can't get more complex answers with pictures posted. What could be the reason for this?
Update: The (error) message looks like this:
That said, your small image seems to have worked. Perhaps the data of the image itself works, but for larger images you run into comment length limits in the scripts/database?
Yes, that's how it will be. Thanks Ben.
Short feedback: The 'Move definition aid' is a great tool. To get the Betza string for the Enhanced Pawn finally working it was necessary to define the standard pawn first and then to add the enhanced capturing possibilities. This probably has something to do with the en-passant rule. Maybe that is self-evident for the insider, for me it took some time. Anyway, the following string finally worked: fmWifmnDfceFscWbcF
After my first trials with the 'Play-test applet' and the conversion to Game Courier thanks to the game code provided by the play-test applet, I have tried my luck with my other variants. To be honest, I am quite stumped and very sure that I will never get it right. Hence my question - better request:
Would it be very naughty to ask you to provide me with the HTML-codes you have already created? This would be for the variants Avatar Chess, Borderline, Bull's eye and Conquer. It would be great if I could make the variants playable in my pages with your help. (If yes via e-mail perhaps?)
If that is too much to ask, then please forget my request.
Thanks, I have done, works very well.
Now it would be the topping if there could be a way to get the game code for Game Courier. Do you have a workable suggestion for a non-expert like me?
I would like to present my new variant 'Queens' for discussion.
The following error message appears in the Game code for Game Courier:
Is there a solution for this? Thanks in advance.
You are really good!
My new variant on a 12 x 12 board called Queenmania.
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There is also the possibility of incorporating a combo of queen and knight moves into a game exclusively on a temporary basis, as I did in my variant 'Bull's eye'.